Motorhome Finance
Motorhome finance has come a long way in recent years. There are plenty of lenders out there competing for your business and lots of options. So whether you want to finance the bulk of the purchase price or maybe just take a bit of finance to upgrade, there will most likely be a solution for you.
Can I Finance the Purchase of a Used Motorhome?
Yes you can. There are many finance providers and lots of people do use finance to buy used motorhomes.
Can I Buy Any Sort of Motorhome on Finance?
There are a wide range of offerings when it comes to finance for used motorhomes covering all parts of the market. This means that most types of motorhome can be financed, but of course, it is wise to do some research first.
Does It Matter How Old The Motorhome Is?
Well, we wouldn't go as far as to say you can buy a motorhome of any age on finance. But there are some finance options available that mean the age of the motorhome you are buying may not be a problem.
How Much Can I Borrow?
As with most types of finance on this kind of asset, the amount you can borrow depends largely on your personal circumstances and your ability to meet the repayments.
How Long Are Motorhome Finance Plans?
This will depend on your requirements, your circumstances and the motorhome you are looking to buy. However, generally repayments terms tend to be in the range of four to ten years.
What Type of Finance Plans Are Available?
The finance plans for motorhomes are similar to those you will be familiar with in other walks of life. For example personal loans, hire purchase agreements and personal contract purchase.
How Do I Know What Type of Finance Plan is Right For Me?
The simple answer here is to take good, impartial advice. Our finance partners, Creative Solutions, are independent motorhome finance specialists. You can find out more by going to the page on our website called motorhome finance.
Where Do I Start?
There are two approaches to finding out what finance is available to you, how much you can borrow and how much the repayments will be. The first is simply to find your ideal motorhome at motorhomes for sale and then ask for a finance quote here. The second is to do your research into finance first and then search for your ideal motorhome based on the guidance you have been given regarding finance. Creative Solutions will be happy to chat to you about your options and give you some useful pointers. Just fill out the enquiry form that appears when you click Get Finance Quote on this page and one of the helpful team at Creative solutions will contact you.