What Does This Move Mean
The Government has extended the timeline for banning diesel and petrol engine vehicles to 2035. As for cars, this means that you can still buy a new diesel or petrol motorhome up until 2035. This just gives everyone a bit more breathing space to make an informed decision in their own time.
In practice, it means that you could buy a new diesel motorhome in 2035 and continue to drive it until you could no longer purchase diesel. No time limits have been set on when diesel will be banned, but it is likely to be quite some way into the future. So certainly into the 2040's and possibly the 2050's. In other words, there is no panic to start making decisions now.
Will Technology Overtake the Diesel Ban Timeline?
Given the extended timeline before new diesel motorhomes are banned, with the amount of money and energy currently going into developing other technologies, it seems certain that a good alternative will be found in plenty of time. At the moment solid state batteries seem the obvious choice. Major manufacturers including the likes of Toyota say they are only 3 or 4 years away from producing solid state batteries that will double travel distances and require only a fraction of the charging time. Hydrogen fuel cells are also seeing rapid development.
So Nothing to Panic About?
If you bought a new or used diesel motorhome today, current thinking is that you will be free to drive it for another twenty plus years and possibly a lot longer. So there doesn't seem much to panic about at this stage. But if you like the idea of an alternative technology, there are likely to be some tempting choices coming soon.
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